Day 7 of Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge by maddiviner

At the age of 13, a pivotal moment reshaped my spiritual journey. One evening in October 2008, as I lay on my bed, I felt an undeniable calling from a spirit. This experience ignited a deep curiosity and led me to immerse myself in the study of various spiritual and occult practices.

Driven by this early encounter, I began exploring an array of spiritual traditions. I delved into kna work, new age philosophies, paganism, witchcraft, and ceremonial magick. Each of these paths offered unique insights and wisdom, enriching my understanding of the spiritual world and my place within it.

This diverse exploration became the bedrock of my spiritual practice. It fueled my passion for researching, learning, and ultimately synthesizing these influences into a cohesive spiritual path. This journey culminated in the creation of Viadescioism, a belief system that seamlessly blends these various traditions into a unique and fulfilling spiritual practice.

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