Welcome to my blog, a place of learning and inquiry, where the subjects of occultism and philosophy are explored through the lens of viadescioism. Please feel free to enjoy my posts and to reach out with any thoughts or questions. Your input is valued and appreciated.

Remember that my practices and experiences are my own, shaped by my adherence to viadescioism. Though they may differ from those of others, they are no less valid or meaningful.

What is Viadescioism:

Viadescioism is a unique blend of religion, philosophy, and practice, distinguished by its foundational principles and concepts. At the heart of Viadescioism are three critical elements: the Ten Divines, the Ten Virtues, and the notion of Individual Divinity.

The Ten Divines represent a set of entities or forces that play a pivotal role in the religious aspect of Viadescioism. Each Divine embodies specific aspects or elements of the existence, offering a comprehensive framework for understanding the world and our place in it.

The Ten Virtues, another cornerstone of Viadescioism, are moral and ethical guidelines that practitioners strive to embody in their daily lives. These virtues serve as a moral compass, guiding adherents in their actions and interactions, promoting a life aligned with the principles of Viadescioism.

The concept of Individual Divinity is a profound aspect of Viadescioism, emphasizing the sacredness and divine nature inherent in every individual. This understanding underscores the importance of self-realization, personal growth, and the recognition of one’s own spiritual significance.

The term “viadescioism” comes from the Latin words, including “via,” meaning road, way, highway, or path; “de,” meaning “of” or “from”; and “scio,” a word meaning “I know”. The suffix “-ism” is added to the end of the term, implying a practice, system, or doctrine. Taken together, the word “viadescioism” is intended to mean “The way of “I know” “. This way of “I know” referring to the teachings of the religion, and the knowing of oneself that is found through following this way. The word viadescioism is supposed to be pronounced like vÄ«-ah-de-shi-oh-ism.

This practice is also sometimes known as Talaibja In Lajava.

For more information on my specific practice, and to learn about the religion of Viadescioism look here:

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