Day 4 of Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge by maddiviner

About Ethics and Morality in Viadescioism

Viadescioism believes in cultivating virtues and good character, viewing morality as a journey towards becoming one’s best self. The process involves nurturing virtuous traits, which are considered the foundation of a good life. Morals are seen as the nutrients that help these virtues grow. Virtues are regarded as stable, long-term dispositions to behave in certain ways. For instance, kindness or honesty should be consistent across various situations. Acting virtuously is seen as acting in accordance with one’s rational nature, which leads to personal flourishing and happiness. Viadescioism holds that ethical truths are objective and grounded in the natural world. This belief in objective morals suggests that there are universal principles that apply to all individuals, guiding them towards the highest good and personal development.

The 10 Virtues in Viadescioism:

Xaoxa: Striving for apotheosis and the highest potential, connecting with divinity and the universe. It is about unity, excellence, and idealism.

Najaar: The pursuit of knowledge. It involves reason, logic, wisdom, intelligence, curiosity, open-mindedness, and objectivity.

Umao: The pursuit of wellness. It includes mental, physical, and spiritual thriving characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity.

A’jau: Honor derived from truthfulness, sincerity, loyalty, valor, and respect.

Laarda: Balance and equilibrium, encompassing justice, moderation, balance, and egalitarianism.

Tau: Excellent character and soundness of mind, leading to temperance, patience, self-discipline, and self-confidence.

Vadaska: Freedom, the ability to act, speak, or think without restraint, linked to liberty and independence.

Davaabt: A modest or low view of one’s own importance, encouraging humility.

Xaeua: Unconditional love for all things, shown through charity, empathy, compassion, generosity, magnanimity, sympathy, and mercy.

Abtgha: Calmness and stability of body, mind, and spirit in all situations, characterized by fortitude, quietude, serenity, equanimity, and tranquility.

Witchcraft and Its Influence on Ethical Views

Yes, practicing witchcraft has changed our views about ethics and morality, especially in relation to Viadescioism. We have developed a deeper bond with the natural world. This has made us more aware of the cycles and kna in nature, leading us to live more ethically by respecting and protecting all life, in line with Viadescioism’s principles. Our view of divinity has expanded. Seeing divinity in everything has instilled a sense of sacredness in everyday actions, influencing our moral choices to be more reverent and respectful toward all beings. We have become more balanced. Balancing energies through witchcraft has helped us understand the importance of harmony, guiding us to make ethical decisions that foster balance within ourselves and the world around us. We have experienced personal growth. Introspection and self-discovery have helped us align our moral values with our true selves and paths, leading to more authentic and ethical living.

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