• Ante- from “ancient,” implying lightness, airiness, and a transcendental quality.
  • -natur- from “Naturalism,” suggesting a deep connection to and appreciation for the natural world.
  • -afutur- from “Futuristic,” indicating advanced technology, innovation, and a forward-looking vision.
  • -ism suffix indicating a movement, philosophy, or aesthetic.

Antenaturafuturism, also known as the Viadescioic or Arska aesthetic or Yalaxajakna in Lajava Ona. Antenaturafuturism is an art and philosophy concept central to Viadescioism. It blends ancient wisdom, natural elements, and futuristic ideas to create a unique aesthetic.

Nature’s Essence:

Art inspired by the natural world. It focuses on landscapes, organic patterns, and the beauty of the environment.

Ancient Ancestral Echoes:

This pillar encourages exploring ancient history, mythology, and legacies of past civilizations.

Rustic Future Simplicity:

This vision combines simplicity and sustainability with advanced technology. It imagines a future where technology harmonizes with the tranquility of rural life

This aesthetic primarily is shown by viadescioists depictions:

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