Viadescioism, with its unique set of practices, beliefs, and rituals, does not neatly fit into the conventional definition of witchcraft. Instead, it is a distinct spiritual and philosophical system.

Viadescioism involves a variety of practices that aim at understanding and interacting with the divine, nature, and the cosmos. While some of these practices may resemble those found in witchcraft, such as the use of rituals, symbols (like Lajava Ona), and meditations, they are rooted in the specific theological framework and cosmology of Viadescioism.

The rites and rituals in Viadescioism are primarily aimed at spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the harmonious balance between various forces of existence. While witchcraft may also pursue these goals, it often includes more practical and earthly concerns, such as spellcasting for specific worldly outcomes.

Viadescioism is a standalone tradition with its own set of Lajava ona (languages and symbols), and practices, developed independently of the historical and cultural contexts that typically define witchcraft.


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