The divines, known as the Yamasa Ona in Viadescioism, exist not beyond but within our world. They are present in everything, embodying the sacred and the mundane as facets of their essence. The Yamasa Ona, comprising both greater and lesser divines, are infinite in number. The ten greater Yamasa Ona and the countless lesser ones are archetypal personifications of nature and existence’s specific aspects. Nature refers to the world’s inherent characteristics, while existence encompasses all that has any form of being.

Each aspect of nature and existence is divine, but for better understanding, we categorize them into distinct divine forms. The Yamasa Ona are not fixed entities; they are immutable forms, perpetually shifting in our perception. They transcend concrete form and gender, embodying a fluidity that changes in form and intensity from one emanation to another. They are not confined to any specific identity, as they embody both everything and nothing simultaneously.

Any entity or construct can achieve its own divinity and be recognized as a Yamasa. Belief in the Yamasa Ona is not a prerequisite for their influence; they exist as spiritual, mental, and physical forces all at once. Their divinity is present in everything connected to their aspects, flowing through us like a river, manifesting in parts of our being and the actions we take. The Yamasa are an intrinsic part of existence, as fundamental as the concept of roundness, and will continue to exist as long as existence itself persists.

The Main Yamasa Ona include:

  1. Oxakna, The Yamasa of Existence: Oxakna embodies the very essence of being, the foundation upon which all else is built.
  2. Damakna, The Yamasa of Creation: Damakna represents the force of creation, the genesis of ideas, forms, and realities.
  3. Dasakna, The Yamasa of Destruction: Dasakna symbolizes the necessary end of things, the dissolution that paves the way for new beginnings.
  4. Madaqa, The Yamasa of Spirit: Madaqa personifies the ethereal realm of spirit, the unseen yet deeply felt part of our existence.
  5. Ladaqa, The Yamasa Of Mind: Ladaqa is the embodiment of thought, intellect, and consciousness, governing the mental processes.
  6. Sadaqa, The Yamasa of Body: Sadaqa represents the physical aspect, the tangible, corporeal existence of beings.
  7. Ukna, The Yamasa of Fire: Ukna symbolizes transformation and energy, like the dynamic and consuming nature of fire.
  8. Nakna, The Yamasa of Air: Nakna embodies the unseen but vital force of air, representing breath, life, and movement.
  9. Shakna, The Yamasa of Water: Shakna captures the fluid, adaptive, and life-giving qualities of water.
  10. Dakna, The Yamasa of Earth: Dakna represents stability, growth, and the nurturing aspects of the earth.

Together, these divines form a complex tapestry of existence, each playing a crucial role in the grand scheme of the cosmos.

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